Reverse Engineering From A Spiritual Standpoint

The universe and everything in it is better engineered than anything any individual mind can make or create. Think specifically about at least one factor that is or can be better than any factor, such as visualization or mental television and video. Reality already exists, but it is reverse engineered by all of us from what already exists. Let me explain: All things are possible to work through natural laws, right? We can even fly airplanes and drive horseless carriages or motor cars to run with the horses and fly with the birds. So, my point about reverse engineering is simple. Reverse engineering comes down to following the laws of God and nature to do what we see God and nature doing "unbelievably". Meaning we can fly, do what we want to do and everything. Within reason of course.

Even wireless television, computers, telephones and radio are reverse engineered when you think about it. What is the ultimate wireless radio and television set or computer in fact when really pondered? Our brains with all their cells and connecting receptors within those brains. Think about this reverse engineering fact for a moment, but think about it deeply. All ideas are really reverse engineered from this fact, and there is nothing really new in reality as there are not any pedagogical infinities or teaching and learning infinities. That means, as reality is able to be mastered, everything has a beginning, God or infinity and a reverse engineered end that we become part of, God or infinity. That is my point.

Ultimately, through this concept of reverse engineering, there are not any unanswerable questions or genuinely foolish notions. For, whatever the mind of man can conceive can be rationally achieved through this reality. All we have to do is start in the right instead of the wrong direction in fulfilling it.

So, it all comes down to a fixed concept based on rationality, reverse engineering and doing what needs to be done to genuinely advance through the laws of God and objective nature. Because, like I said, there is nothing new in reality, just discovered, that is it. So, start thinking, advance patiently and relentlessly, for there is nothing else to do. There is not any competition in reality, there is just creation, for, the beginning and the end are the same cause. Sure, there are different effects, but source is always the same, existence.
