The Evolution of Geo Technical Engineering

Geo technical engineering is one of the sub disciplines of civil engineering. It is closely related to engineering geology hence, the discipline combining the two is called as geo techniques. It is also known as ground engineering or soil engineering.

Engineering Analysis

Sir Karl Terzaghi is the father of modern soil mechanics. He laid down definite procedures for determining properties and the strength characteristics of soils.

The subject does apply the principles of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, to design foundations, retaining structures and earth structures.

Egyptian temples, roman engineering structures, etc were built centuries ago. But their design of the foundation was not based on any currently known technical principles!.

This branch of civil engineering deals with soil, rock, under ground water, their relation to design, construction, and operation of engineering projects. For instance, dutch core penetration test is applied to determine the materials in soil profiles and estimate their engineering properties. Similarly, the net stress increase on soil can be calculated by using a formula, net ultimate bearing capacity/ factor of safety.

The tools used for Engineering Analysis of field exploration are known as soil mechanics and rock mechanics.They might be analytical, numerical, experimental, etc. The analysis results are then used to develop geo technical input for design purposes. The geo technical engineers need to monitor construction works at all phases.

The ancient constructions were based on common sense, experience, rules of the thumb, and collective wisdom of builders, etc. Some builders seem to have used crude tests to assess the soil conditions. Their success is evident by the fact that many dams have been serving for more than two thousand years!.

Some failures during the middle ages produced new rules of thumb. The builders slowly began to apply scientific methods too.

Researchers did studies about the engineering behaviour of soils during 17th and 18th centuries. Even during the late 19th century, progress in this field lagged behind!.

Geo technical engineering was born in 1925 with the publication of a book written by Karl Terzaghi. He focussed his research on developing rational design methods.

Due to the efforts of researchers, substantial progress was achieved in geo technical engineering during the last century. But still most of the analysis of behaviour of soil and rock are handicapped. For instance, the mathematical models of soil and rock behaviour are only approximate as they do not take into account most of the other relevant factors. One more draw back is the over estimation of accuracy of geo technical analysis.
